In a web application, events can occur at 3 levels 1. At the Application Level(Example: Application...
Author - shohal
Dynamic SQL vs Stored Procedure
Dynamic SQL vs Stored Procedure The advantages and disadvantages of Dynamic SQL and Stored...
Dynamic sql output parameter
Dynamic sql output parameter SQL script to create Employees tableCreate table Employees ( ID...
Dynamic SQL in Stored Procedure
Dynamic SQL in Stored Procedure Create Procedure spSearchEmployees @FirstName nvarchar(100) = NULL...
Different ways to replace NULL in sql server
Different ways to replace NULL in sql server In this session, we will learn about different ways to...
Difference between ViewState, Session State and Application...
ViewState: 1. ViewState of a webform is available only with in that webform 2. ViewState is stored...
Difference between sequence and identity in SQL Server
Difference between sequence and identity in SQL Server Sequence object is similar to the Identity...
Difference between except and not in sql server
Difference between except and not in sql server We will use the following 2 tables for this example...
Difference between EnableViewState and ViewStateMode properties
1. Using EnableViewState property we only have 2 options We can turn off view...
DATEFROMPARTS function in SQL Server
DATEFROMPARTS function in SQL Server The DATEFROMPARTS() function returns a date from the specified...