General Knowledge

How to speed up my PC or Laptop

How to speed up my PC or Laptop
Written by shohal

Here some step we can follow for boost up our PC or Laptop:

Step 1: Stop diagnostic Policy service

My Computer > Manager > Service& Application > service > Diagnostic Policy service > double click > stop > manual > Apply then OK.

Step 2: Set additional plans

Start > power option > show additional plans > High performance.

Step 3: Set additional plans

Start > Control Panel > system > advance system settings > performance/Settings > adjust for best performance.

Step 4: Delete all %temp%

Start > run >%temp %> delete all file.

Step 5: Others process
  • Start>run>temp> delete all file.
  • Start>tree>enter.
  • Start>chkdsk>enter.
  • Start>prefetch>delete all file.
  • Start>run>msconfig>service>hide all Microsoft service>apply>Ok
  • Start>Run>regedit>HKEY_Current_user>Control Panel>mouse>MouseHoverTime>value 10.
  • Start>Run>regedit>HKEY_Current_user>Control Panel>desktop>MenuShowDelay>value 10
  • Open my computer>Driver properties> disk Cleanup>scan complete, select all and clean and system setting>again select all and ok and delete.
  • Start>defragment>select driver>optimize
  • Task Manager>Service>enable or disable your choice.

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